Candela Imbernón López
University Center for Higher Education, La Salle Campus Madrid, Spain
Toward systematic literacy training.
As we all know, the mastery of reading and writing in our society is unquestionable. Written information, both in the educational and social environment, has an essential presence. In the field of education, written communication is the most widely used vehicle for teaching and transmitting ideas, without forgetting that it stimulates cognitive development, imagination and is the tool of thought. Thus, reading and writing are instruments that allow access to other learning and significantly improve the communicative system of people, for example, through e-mail, instant messaging, access to the Internet, among other forms of communication.
In addition to the above-mentioned reasons, for people who use alternative or augmentative communication systems, the mastery of reading and writing is essential. In this way, written language offers them a great possibility of communication, as opposed to the limitations they experience with other communication modalities.
However, from an intervention perspective, one of the great difficulties we face is the paucity of research that highlights evidence-based practices on the best instructional techniques for mainstream teaching.
The purpose of this panel will be to lay out some of the techniques, resources, and methodologies for systematic literacy instruction for non-oral responders.
Licenciada en Filosofía y C.C. de la Educación en la especialidad de Pedagogía Terapéutica. Doctora en Pedagogía por la Universidad de Murcia. Profesora titular en el CSEU La Salle Campus Madrid en la Facultad de CC de la Educación y Terapia Ocupacional desde hace 25 años. Docente en diversos cursos de formación de profesorado y Postgrados en el ámbito de la intervención con sistemas alternativos de comunicación. Asesora en centros educativos. Desarrolla la actividad investigadora en los procesos de inclusión y alfabetización al alumnado con necesidades complejas de comunicación.