Juan E. Jiménez
University of La Laguna, Spain
Transcription, linguistic, and executive function skills in the development of writing in a transparent orthography.
Participants: Juan E. Jiménez; Jennifer Balade; Rebeca Villarroel; Desirée González.
Within the context of the Plan Nacional I+D+i project with ref. PID2019-108419R-I00, the aim is to evaluate the validity of the Not-so-Simple View of Writing Model (NSVW) in a transparent orthography such as Spanish through CBM (Curriculum Based-Measurement) and cognitive measures of general proficiency. According to this model, transcription skills, linguistic skills, and executive functions (EF) are essential components for the development of writing from an early age. The use of CBM measures will be aimed at assessing domain-specific skills (i.e., transcription and linguistic) and EFs (i.e., memory and attention) as indicators of domain-general cognitive measures. Validation of the model will help determine which are the most important components of typical and atypical Spanish writing development. So far, this model has not been validated in Spanish and there is no CBM available in our language for the early detection of Learning Difficulties in Writing (DAE). In this Symposium the Early Grade Writing Assessment - EGWA_EI (Evaluación Temprana de la Escritura para Educación Infantil) and the Curriculum Based Assessment (CBM_EI) tools are presented, as well as the results of their validation in Spanish. These tools allow universal screening for the early detection of learning difficulties in writing, and the monitoring and supervision of learning progress in students identified with a risk profile in the context of the Response to Intervention Model.
Professor of Developmental and Educational Psychology, he teaches at the Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy at the University of La Laguna. He coordinates the research group "Dificultades de Aprendizaje, Psicolingüística y Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación" (DEAP&NT) of the ULL (see http:ejimenez.webs.ull.es). He is the coordinator of the first manual in Spanish to be published on the Response to Intervention Model: a preventive approach to address specific learning difficulties by Ediciones Pirámide. Currently, he is director of the project "Technical support for virtual training and updating of the web platforms Letra, Trazo and Primate for teacher training in teaching reading, writing and mathematics to Panamanian teachers, and diagnostic evaluation of cognitive and academic skills in reading and mathematics in Panamanian school population funded by the Ministry of Education of Panama (MEDUCA) and managed by the General Foundation of the ULL and the Organization of Iberoamerican States (OEI). National Award for Educational Research and Innovation with Honorable Mention granted by the CIDE under the MEC. Institutional Research Award for his professional career and scientific curriculum in the modality of Humanities, Legal and Social Sciences by the University of La Laguna and Award of the Social Council of the ULL for Knowledge Transfer to companies and other social institutions.