
Mercedes I. Rueda Sánchez
University of Salamanca, Spain

Neurodevelopmental disorders. Deepening in the Dyslexia/TEL comorbidity. Consequences of learning difficulties on self-esteem and anxiety in schoolchildren.

Participants: Mercedes Isabel Rueda Sánchez; Lydia García Gómez; Ana Cortés García; María Asensio Asensio; Mónica González Santamaria;

In this symposium, four studies are presented in which the role played by the knowledge of deep vocabulary and its implication in the learning of reading is analyzed and discussed. A variable that can be better and better described the influence it has on the development of not only oral language but also in written language and text comprehension. On the other hand, what happens with difficulties such as Dyslexia is analyzed and the possible comorbidities with Specific Language Disorder are discussed. Both neurodevelopmental disorders can lead students to significant difficulties in learning to read and write and in education in general, if not detected, diagnosed and intervened in time. Analyzing and differentiating some of the characteristics that define each disorder is of utmost importance for early detection. In this line, we also analyze the case of a school girl who is initially attributed with difficulties in learning to read, and finally a diagnosis of Specific Language Disorder is formalized, thus improving the possibilities of intervention in a more precise way. Finally, the anxiety and low self-esteem that learning difficulties can provoke in schoolchildren suffering from them are reviewed and discussed. All this allows reflecting on the preventive measures that can be taken for the promotion of a school community attended in their difficulties and psychologically healthy.

Mercedes I. Rueda. Professor at the Faculty of Psychology, Department of Developmental Psychology and Education of the University of Salamanca. She teaches in the Degree of Psychology, Master in Learning Difficulties, Master in Language and Communication Disorders and Master in Teacher Training (Ecuador). Author of books, chapters and scientific articles related to the processes involved in reading and its difficulties. She received the Extraordinary Doctorate Award from the USAL. She has developed different intervention programs for schoolchildren with Dyslexia. She has participated as a researcher in several funded projects. Invited by the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading. Member of the Internal Assessment Committee in the validation process of the accreditation model of the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA). Project Evaluator in the National Evaluation Committee of the Interministerial Commission of Science and Technology (CICYT). Invited as a speaker at various institutions such as the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (Mexico), with recognition from the Undersecretary of Higher Education of the General Directorate of Teacher Training and Development of the State of Puebla (Mexico), for her contribution to teacher training.  At present and since 2009, she directs and coordinates the UADLE -Unidad de Atención a las Dificultades de Aprendizaje de la Lectura y Escritura-...




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