
Juan Carlos Martín Quintana
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Assessment and promotion of parental and child competencies from a Positive Parenting approach.

Participants: Juan Carlos Martín Quintana; Adriana Álamo Muñoz; Miriam del Mar Cruz Sosa; Juan Carlos Martín Quintana; Estefanía de los Dolores Gil García; Pedro F. Alemán Ramos; Graziano Pellegrino.

One of the main objectives in group parenting education programmes is to promote parenting competencies. When we refer to parental competences we focus on those skills that enable parental figures to cope with the positive exercise of parenting. It is a task that must be carried out in a flexible and adaptive way, in accordance with the criteria acceptable to society and which allows for the opportunities offered by the family's systems of influence to be used. The Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on Positive Parenting refers to the fact that the task of being a parent will depend on three factors: the social context, the needs of children and adolescents and, finally, on parental competences, but it also proposes that parents should receive training to promote their parental competences: educational competences, personal development and resilience, seeking support, integration and community participation and organising the family educational scenario. It is this aspect that underpins the implementation of different parental education group programmes. In this symposium we will learn how parental competences and those of children are promoted in different contexts: social, educational and in the prison context. For this purpose, different programmes and the results on parental competences and personal competences of children after the implementation of these programmes will be presented. In this way, the effectiveness of these programmes will be demonstrated.

Lecturer at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Director of the Official and Interuniversity Master's Degree in Family, Social and Community Intervention and Mediation at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. President of the Hestia Association for Family, Social and Community Intervention and Research (2008-present). Expert of the Spanish Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030 and the FEMP in Positive Parenting.  Coordinator of the Research Group recognised by the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria "Inclusive Education, Society and Family". He has developed different evidence-based parental education group programmes for families in situations of vulnerability or psychosocial risk. Author of several international and national publications on the effectiveness of parental education programmes, evaluation of families at psychosocial risk, parental competences, digital leisure in the family and Positive Parenting. Inter-university collaboration in the design, implementation and evaluation of parental education programmes in face-to-face, distance and mixed modalities aimed at families using social services and primary health care centres, which are applied in Spain and Portugal. Lately, a group parental education programme is being implemented in the prison context for parents deprived of liberty in the Canary Islands.



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