
Alejandro Iborra Cuéllar
University of Alcalá, Spain

Emotional development intervention under debate: what can we learn from the different methodologies available?

Participants: Alejandro Iborra y Luana Bruno, Santos Orejudo Hernández, María Teresa Navarro Gil, Mari Cruz Pérez Yus

Although intervention programmes in emotional intelligence or emotional development are very common (Kotsou, Mikolajczak, Heeren, Grégoire and Leys 2018), including more current intervention programmes in positive development and emotional coaching or mindfulness programmes (Hodzic, Scharfen, Ripoll, Holling and Zenasni 2018), the research has emphasised more the effectiveness and impact of such programmes rather than a discussion of the theoretical basis underpinning them, what methodologies are used, what audiences they tend to target and who is responsible for delivering them.  Likewise, beyond knowing the results obtained, compared to an initial baseline, it is not easy to access the experience of the participants and to know in detail what kind of activities or training processes have been carried out. This is why this symposium presents four papers that offer examples of intervention in this area and will discuss the issues raised, precisely in order to offer alternatives that are contrasted and useful for the reasoned and informed design of future programmes.


Hodzic S., Scharfen J., Ripoll P., Holling H., and Zenasni F. (2018). How Efficient Are Emotional Intelligence Trainings: A Meta-Analysis. Emotion Review.10(2), 138-148.

Kotsou, I., Mikolajczak, M., Heeren, A., Grégoire, J., & Leys, C. (2018). Improving emotional intelligence: A systematic review of existing work and future challenges. Emotion Review, 11(2), 151-165.

Alejandro Iborra is Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Sciences at the University of Alcalá and Luana Bruno is a postdoctoral researcher Margarita Salas, attached to the area of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Both are part of the Daisaku Ikeda Institute for Research in Education and Development, developing research focused on emotional development programmes based on dialogic and collaborative practices.   

Santos Orejudo Hernández is Professor of Developmental and Educational Psychology, director of the Department of Psychology and Sociology at the University of Zaragoza. He belongs to the research group Educaviva. Education and Psychological Processes. The group has been working for several years on a line of research on cyber coexistence, development of emotional competences in online environments and applications of collective intelligence.

María Teresa Navarro Gil is Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology and Sociology, in the area of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Her research has focused on analysing intervention processes based on mindfulness processes in the educational and clinical context.

María Cruz Pérez Yus is Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology and Sociology, in the area of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Her research is focused on processes related to mindfulness in different contexts of intervention such as education, clinical and sports.



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