
Santos Orejudo Hernández
University of Zaragoza, Spain

Interacciones en entornos online y su relación con el desarrollo personal. Algunas propuestas de análisis e intervención con adolescentes.

Participants: Santos Orejudo Hernández, Pablo Bautista Alcaine, Luana Bruno y Alejandro Iborra, Eva Vicente Sánchez

  Virtual environments have become a key place for adolescents' socialisation. The availability of access to mobile devices, the high frequency of their use and the greater possibility of connectivity mean that they devote part of their time to interactions with others mediated by digital technologies. It is therefore necessary to understand the motivations that lead young people to interact in these environments, the characteristics of these environments and their impact on development and well-being, as well as the skills that enable them to adapt better. Last but not least, it is not less important to have interventions aligned or developed in this environment that allow the development of such competences.

Thus, in this symposium we present two intervention proposals aimed at the development of emotional competences for online environments. One of them is based on an app, EMOTONGUE, an application created in the Android environment to promote the daily management of emotions, and the other, Collective Learning, a platform for interaction in large groups based on the principles of collective intelligence ( In the first case, the results of an intervention developed with 16 participants will be presented. In the second case, the results of two interventions will be presented, one with adolescents and the other with teachers, in one case, aimed at developing critical thinking in the face of fake news and in the other at improving the qualifications of future teachers to improve their competence to act in cases of cyberbullying.  The theoretical basis of these interventions, their results and the advantages and disadvantages of both intervention models will be presented.

Santos Orejudo Hernández is Professor of Developmental and Educational Psychology, Director of the Department of Psychology and Sociology at the University of Zaragoza. Eva Vicente Sánchez is a tenured university lecturer in the area of Developmental and Educational Psychology, Vice-Dean of Innovation, Research and Transfer of the Faculty of Education. Both belong to the research group Educaviva. Education and Psychological Processes, a group to which Pablo Bautista, a researcher in this research group, also belongs.  The group has been working for several years on a line of research on cyber coexistence, development of emotional competences in online environments and applications of collective intelligence.

Luana Bruno is a researcher and postdoctoral fellow and Alejandro Iborra is a lecturer in the Department of Educational Sciences at the University of Alcalá, in the area of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Both are responsible for the EMOTONGUE project.



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