
Alejandro Veas Iniesta
University of Murcia, Spain

University entrance exams and their relationship with the PISA tests. Application of psychometric processes to compare curricular content and competencies in Spain

Participants: Alejandro Veas Iniesta; Pablo Miñano Pérez; Isabel Benítez Baena; Rubén Fernández Alonso; Leandro Navas Martínez

This symposium presents the first results of a national R&D project consisting of the psychometric analysis of the Baccalaureate assessment tests for access to University (EBAU) and its relationship with the PISA tests, one of the most important at the international level. in the field of competency measurement. These analyzes are justified by the need to ensure equivalence processes between autonomous communities in terms of difficulty levels of the tests, as well as the severity levels of the evaluating courts. At the same time, it is intended to verify to what extent the EBAU responds to an objective measurement of academic performance, taking into account the levels of skills provided for in current regulations and associated with the skills measured in international tests such as PISA. Through different communications, it is intended to describe the theoretical justification of item response theory models from the construct comparability approach; as well as the psychometric procedures used in PISA. We also proceed to the description of the preliminary results between autonomous communities of the psychometric adjustments of the tests between different calls throughout the last 5 academic years; as well as the factorial equivalence procedures with the PISA tests. Finally, the severity indices of the qualifying courts in the autonomous communities are analyzed through facet models, and the main conclusions are drawn.

Alejandro Veas is an assistant professor in the department of evolutionary and educational psychology at the University of Murcia. He is a doctor with international mention from the University of Alicante, with an extraordinary doctorate award. He has worked as an educational counselor and teacher of Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate in various educational centers. He has been hired as a predoctoral fellow in the field of research staff training (FPI) at the University of Alicante, financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.

He has taught subjects for the master's degree in early childhood education, primary education, and a master's degree in teacher training. He has a positive five-year teaching evaluation, as well as contributions in books on learning and development in adolescence; and developmental problems and disorders in childhood and adolescence.

At the research level, his stays at the University of Bristol, England (2015), and the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany (2016) stand out. He has collaborated in various research projects, most of them financed by ministries and councils of education. As a result of the work carried out, communications have been published at national and international congresses, and various articles in international journals indexed in JCR. His lines of work cover academic performance, psychometrics and quantitative methods applied to education, giftedness and competency assessment. He is currently PI of a national research project approved by the State Research Agency entitled: Analysis of university entrance exams and their relationship with PISA: Identification of curricular and competency standards through psychometric approaches.



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