
Rosario Mérida Serrano
University of Córdoba, Spain

Socio-educational care for vulnerable children.

Participants: Rosario Mérida Serrano; Mª de los Ángeles Olivares García; Mª Elena González Alfaya; María del Mar García Cabrera; Antonio Serrano; Sonia García Segura; Carmen Cruz Torres;Noemí Serrano Díaz; Pilar Etopa Bitata; Julia Rodríguez Carrillo; Miguel Muñoz Moya; Ana García Gutiérrez; Manuel Ríos Macías

The society of the s. XXI characterized by being globalized, commodified, neoliberal, unequal, and violent, place children in a hostile scenario, in which, on many occasions, the integral development of their personality is seriously compromised, as well as respect for the rights of childhood established in the Convention on the Rights of Children (1989) supported by the United Nations Organization. This symposium addresses childhood, understood as the period of life that extends from birth to 18 years of age, which is in a situation of vulnerability. Specifically, we refer to children whose life takes place in physical, psychological or social conditions that are potentially limiting and hinder their harmonious development, endangering the deployment of their personal and professional skills and abilities. The axis that forms the backbone of this work is the vulnerability suffered by children as a result of the unequal and unjust social conditions they suffer, as a consequence of: (1) The sexist violence exerted on minors and their mothers; (2) Poverty, wars, violence and inhumane living conditions caused by migratory flows of unaccompanied minors; (3) The stereotypes and segregation by reason of gender that guide girls from childhood to a professional future far from science and more linked to the little valued and not economically recognized care tasks; and (4) The lack of inclusive educational proposals that allow children with functional diversity to get to know their city.

Teacher of Early Childhood Education, doctor in Psychopedagogy and Professor of Didactics and School Organization of the Department of Education of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Córdoba. Her lines of research are: Early Childhood Education, initial and continuing teacher training, gender, vulnerable childhoods and school-university collaboration networks. She teaches in the Infant Degree, the Master's Degree in Secondary Teacher Training and the Master's Degree in Inclusive Education. She coordinates the Red de Ed. Infantil Escuela-Teacher Training Center-Universidad, (RIECU). She is coordinator of the research group SEJ-614 INCIDE (Childhood, Citizenship, Democracy and Education), author of a large number of articles indexed in journals indexed in the Journal Citation Report and coordinator of multiple teaching innovation projects developed with educational centers of Education Children and main researcher of various research projects at the state and regional level. She is the author of articles, books and book chapters related to teaching excellence in Early Childhood Education. She works on the transfer of knowledge through the development of citizenship in childhood, leading projects such as the Map of Educational Experiences, Córdoba with Children's Eyes or the Magical World of Chuchón.



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