
M. Teresa Anguera
University of Barcelona, Spain

Role of systematic observation in psychological well-being and digitization

Participants: Marina Alarcón; Oleguer Camerino; Jairo Rodríguez-Medina; Héctor Tronchoni.

The great challenge of Psychology in today's world is focused on meeting the needs of citizens, who often lack those personal, social, family, work, contextual, health, or other elements that allow them to achieve the status welfare to which they legitimately aspire. Likewise, the current technological revolution surrounds our lives, practically forcing us to enter it so as not to be left off the hook even from daily actions for which digitization is essential.
The communications that are going to be presented in this Symposium are structured around this idea, and focus on various aspects that have a common link, which is the application of the observational methodology.
In recent decades, the scientific procedure that allows systematic observation to be methodologically structured has been developed in detail, which we will also place in the framework of mixed methods, as the third great paradigm in our days.
The observational methodology will be used, both from the technological and applied aspects, especially delving into the quantizing that allows the three macro-stages QUAL-QUAN-QUAL to be formed.
All the communications presented in this Symposium show in their results the wide possibilities that are open to the researcher interested in the challenges of Psychology today: psychological well-being and digitization.
Both from the research and knowledge transfer perspective, the different authors will show the procedural applicability and the answers to the problems raised.

M. Teresa Anguera Argilaga, a native of Darmós (Tarragona), is an emeritus professor in the Behavioral Sciences Methodology area at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Barcelona. She has a degree in Psychology (1972) and in Law (1997) from the University of Barcelona, ​​and a PhD in Psychology (1976) from the same University.

She has taught at all levels, and in various methodological subjects, since 1972. She has carried out research stays in Chile, Colombia, the United States, Mexico and Portugal.

Her research activity focuses on Observational Methodology and Mixed Methods. She has participated in 30 competitive research projects (among them 11 of the National Plan I + D + i), having been principal investigator in most of them. At the national and international level, she has been part of research evaluation committees, editorial committees of scientific journals and is a member of several scientific societies, having participated in their governing bodies.

She has made numerous publications in Spain and abroad. She has directed / co-directed 64 Doctoral Theses already defended. She has 7 six-year research periods positively evaluated (CNEAI). Her h index (according to academic Google) is 67 and she has more than 19,000 citations.

She has also participated in university management as Academic Secretary of the Faculty, Head of Studies, Department Director, head of the ICE Research Section, and Vice-Rector for Scientific Policy and Teaching and Scientific Policy at the University of Barcelona. She is a full member of the Royal European Academy of Doctors and the Spanish Academy of Psychology.



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