
Jesús Enrique de la Fuente Arias
University of Navarra, Spain

Regulation / Non-Regulation / Mis-Regulation (personal and contextual) as combined psychological variables and predictors of cognitive-motivational factors of academic stress at the University

Participants: Jesús de la Fuente Arias, Mónica Pachón. UNAV (España); Jose Manuel Martínez Vicente, FJ Peralta Sánchez. UAL (España); Angélica Garzón-Umerenkova, FUKL (Colombia); Martha L. Gaetha y Paola Paoloni, (Mexico y Argentina).

Introduction. This Symposium presents empirical evidence regarding the continuum of the construct Self-Regulation/ Non-Regulation/Personal Dysregulation (SR-NR-DR) and External-Regulation/ Non External Regulation / Contextual Dysregulation (ER-ENR-EDR), established by the SR vs ER Theory (de la Fuente, 2017, 2021). Its objective is to show the predictive and interdependent relationships with respect to educational variables of molecular and molar order analyzed.

Method. Four studies were carried out, which are presented in four Communications. A total of 650 university students completed validated inventories, in online format, during the 2018-2021 academic years. From an ex post-facto design, linear predictive analyzes and inferential analyzes ANOVAs and MANOVAs were performed.

Results. Communication 1 shows the predictive and inferential effects of the different levels of regulation with respect to the level of executive dysfunction and regulatory fatigue. Communication 2 shows the same effects regarding the level of academic stress of the students. In communication 3 regarding behaviors of academic confidence and procrastination. In communication 4 in relation to behaviors of satisfaction with the teaching-learning process and performance.

Discussion. The results allow us to infer that the theoretical assumptions of the SR vs SR Theory, applied to the Psychoeducational field, serve to discriminate the levels of variability of the dependent variables that are to be explained. Therefore, they lend empirical support to a combined conception of personal and contextual regulatory factors, in the psychoeducational field.

Thanks. PGC2018-094672-B-I00. University of Navarre. Pamplona (Spain) Ministry of Science and Education and the European Social Fund; UAL18-SEJ-DO31-A-FEDER, University of Almeria (Spain), and the European Social Fund (

University Professor, in the Area of ​​Developmental and Educational Psychology, since 2016. Professor at the University of Almería (UAL) from 1993 to September 2018, the date on which he joined the Faculty of Education and Psychology, at the University of Navarra (UNAV), as Director of the Master in General Health Psychology and Vice Dean of Research.

He has focused his academic and research activity around the R + D + I Value Chain, applied to Psychology. He has numerous national and international peer-reviewed and impact publications (120 articles, 80 chapters and 160 communications activities and symposiums), with 4 CNAI research sections. He has directed 4 R&D Projects as IP with a wide international projection and participated in a total of 10 R&D Projects. Director of the Research Group Psychological Processes in Education and Health (UNAV), Founder and Principal Editor of the EJREP in 2006 (UAL). He is currently Associate Editor of Frontiers in Psychology and the Journal Learning & Individual Differences.

Regarding technological developments and transfer, it has a total of 14 RPI of ICT products, being a promoter of the R&D&I Department in the EBT spin-off Education & Psychology I&D&I (UAL), as a Partner Founder and Scientific-Technological Director (2006-2018). He has 56 scientific-technological transfer R&D contracts. He carried out the I International Congress of Psychology, Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Almería, 2018), in collaboration with the Official College of Psychology of Eastern Andalusia, being its Scientific-Technological Director. From 2012 to 2018 he has been a member of Recognized Prestige of the Division of Educational Psychology (General Council of Psychology of Spain). In the year 2021 he has been awarded Psychologist of the Year, for his innovative activity in Psychology.



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