
Teresa Pozo-Rico
University of Alicante, Spain

Strategic innovative projects based on well-being and digitalisation that contribute to meeting the educational challenges of the 21st century.

Participants: Teresa Pozo-Rico; Andrea Izquierdo; Natalia Pérez Soto; MªJosé Mira Galvañ; Steve Richard Scott Barrios.

This symposium is committed to continuous improvement and the search for excellence in teacher training in order to achieve the transfer of effective and innovative teaching and learning methodologies based on digitalisation and the use of new technologies in the classroom; as well as the treatment of positive emotions in educational contexts as a key to achieve psychological well-being in the educational community and the enrichment of pedagogical designs.

For all these reasons, the first presentation deals with the design of a teacher training programme that enables teachers' psychological well-being and resilience. The second presentation demonstrates the effectiveness of teacher emotional competency training and its impact on the well-being of the educational community. The third presentation shows how to equip teaching professionals with innovative educational methodologies. The fourth presentation deals with the effectiveness of ongoing PBL training activities in educational contexts and the last presentation focuses on achieving linguistic and social inclusion through digitisation and technology for learners with special educational needs as well as for learners recently arrived from the war in Ukraine.

Therefore, in our proposals we focus on psychological well-being and digitalisation and thus embrace the challenge and the opportunity to put ourselves at the service of the challenges of education in the 20th century.

Teresa Pozo-Rico holds a PhD in Educational Research and is Associate Professor in the Department of Developmental Psychology and Didactics at the University of Alicante. Among her most relevant merits, it is worth highlighting her cross-cultural research work (Spain, Moldova, Ukraine, Romania, Argentina and Finland) due to a year of doctoral stay in the line of her thesis defended in December 2016 with the qualification of outstanding cum lauden, mention of international doctorate and obtaining the extraordinary prize in 2019 due to the relevance of the publications derived from it. In addition, in 2020 he has been recognised for a five-year teaching period and a six-year research period. He has been a member of the research team of National Plan projects (EDU2015-64562-R) and European projects (INSHIP 19, 19-KA203-060579), among others. In the same line, she belongs to a consolidated and competitive research group, with relevant scientific production during the last thirteen years (SOCEDU, VIGROB-140). Likewise, she is the Principal Investigator of two regional projects, one granted by the Regional Ministry of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society in the framework of the Programme for the promotion of scientific research, technological development and innovation in the Valencian Community (Reference GV/2021/153) and the other granted by the University of Alicante's Research Vice-Rectorate Programme for the Promotion of R&D&I (Reference GRE20-22-A). His lines of research deal with intelligence, motivation, academic performance, coping with learning difficulties and teacher training and innovation.



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