
Javier Pérez Bou
Catholic University of Valencia San Vicente Mártir, España

Artificial Intelligence, Meta-analysis and Metaverse: Lines of evolution in e_learning.

Participants: Isaías Salvador Sanmartín Santos; Ricardo Cerverón Lleó; Yinglong QIU; Xinyu ZHANG.

Distance learning is in full expansion. The pandemic has led to a generalisation in its use and a boom in the use of new methodologies and technologies.

The use of teaching platforms is not only for distance learning degrees, but also complements face-to-face training, allowing teachers to use new resources in their classes.

In this symposium we are going to present studies that reflect some of these trends and announce the future to follow.

We will begin by looking at the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education, with an emphasis on distinguishing what is and what is not Artificial Intelligence. As a marketing strategy, the concept of AI is being used in tools that have nothing to do with AI.

One of the most important technological bets in recent years has been the Metaverse created by Facebook.

We will see if the Metaverse is a useful option in learning, analysing a case study in Higher Education in innovation and entrepreneurship.

One of the usual problems in MOOCs and in teaching, when we have a large number of students enrolled, is the difficulty in correctly and fairly grading the work done by students. We will analyse the different assessment tools available on distance learning platforms and we will present an innovative work for the assessment of Forums.

Finally, we will analyse research trends in MOOCs in the world's most populous country: China.

Javier Pérez Bou, Degree in Computer Science, PhD from the Universitat de Valencia in the Socio-sanitary Care and Dependence programme of the Faculty of Psychology. Master in Financial Consultancy and PowerMBA.

Founding member of the Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros en Informática de la Comunidad Valenciana. He has been a member of the Advanced Tertiary Association.

Consultant partner and founder of Heinser, S.L., where he has spent most of his professional life in the area of Information Technology. He has worked at the Polytechnic University of Valencia in both management and research positions. He continues to be a collaborating lecturer at the Centre for Lifelong Learning at the Polytechnic.

He is currently a lecturer at the Catholic University of Valencia on the degrees of Law, Business Administration and Management and on several Masters' Degrees. He has been responsible for Technological Innovation, directing the Calculus Centre of the UCV and the Online Teaching and New Technologies Service.



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