Carmen Ferrándiz García
University of Murcia
Psychoeducational and contextual variables in the study of High Ability.
Participants: Mercedes Ferrando Prieto, Rosa María Pons Parra, Purificación Checa Fernández, Ángela Conejero, Mª Carmen Fernández Vidal, Álvaro Infantes-Paniagua, María Isabel Rojo Guillamón, Ana Lison.
Attention to the diversity of students with ICI in the classroom may be influenced by factors such as teachers' knowledge of ICI and their training in the area. In this sense, some studies have warned of the existence of stereotypes on the part of teachers that make it difficult to identify and care for students with ICI, since attitudes have an impact on the way in which the teaching-learning process is developed and its effectiveness (Lassing, 2009; Lacambra et al., 2019; Plunkett & Kronborg, 2011; Seade et al, 2019). The main aim of the symposium is to showcase various studies that have investigated perceptions of learners with ICI, their creativity, self-concept and education. The results of these studies will focus on the perceptions that both ICA and non ICA students have about these students and the influence of these perceptions on their self-concept; and on the attitudes that undergraduate students of Early Childhood and Primary Education have about support needs, the level of opposition towards these students, their degree of rejection, the attitude towards special homogeneous groups, classes and schools, as well as school acceleration. In addition, results will be presented on teachers' perceptions of variables linked to ICI such as emotional intelligence and creativity.
Papers will be presented on:
- Perception of future teachers' talent.
- Perception of student creativity from the teacher's point of view.
- Validation of the BarOn for teachers: agreement and disagreement in the perception of Emotional Intelligence.
- Stereotypes of students with ICI in their self-concept: a preliminary comparative study.
Dr. Carmen Ferrándiz. Professor of Developmental and Educational Psychology. She is co-IP of the High Abilities Research Team and director of the Centre of Studies for the Development of Giftedness, Talent and Excellence (CEDESTE). She is a former FPU Fellow of the Seneca Foundation and the Ministry of Education. She has undertaken funded research stays (Yale-University, USA, Professor Robert Sternberg; University of Coimbra, Portugal, Professor Luisa Morgado; Institute of Education, London, UK, Professor Andrew Tolmie). He was awarded the Extraordinary Doctoral Prize and the First National Prize for Educational Research. She has directed three R+D+i research projects funded by the MEC and the Seneca Foundation on emotional intelligence; cognitive profiles of analytical, creative and practical intelligence in gifted and talented students; and on scientific vocations in adolescents. He has participated in 16 R+D+i projects. His impact publications address the topics of emotional intelligence, expert competence, multiple intelligences, creativity and intellectual profiles of gifted and talented students. He has co-directed 14 doctoral theses. He has attended conferences on High Ability, Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, Multiple Intelligences and Creativity. She has two sexenios of research. She is a lecturer in the Master in Neuropsychology of ACI, University of La Rioja; Master in Teacher Training for students with ACI (UCLM), Master in Educational Psychology (UM) of which she is Coordinator. She has been Vice-Dean of Research in the Faculty of Education and Vice-Rector of Students, Internationalisation and Sports at the University of Murcia. ;