
Isaias Martin Ruiz
Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy, Malaga, Spain

Specific Educational Support Needs in adolescence and socio-emotional adjustment.

Participants: Alicia Verdugo Alonso, Inmaculada Jordan Galera, María José González-Valenzuela, Eduardo Fonseca Pedrero, Alicia Pérez de Albéniz, Adriana Diez Gómez del Casal, Julia Pérez, Manuel Soriano, Elisa Piedra-Martínez.

Specific Educational Support Needs (SEN) (MEC, 2020) are a heterogeneous group of students who present disorders in basic cognitive processes in learning.

The mismatches of the different SEN occur in multiple facets of development and learning, such as cognitive, linguistic, affective and social. Although the cognitive and linguistic development of SEN have been studied in depth and in detail, however, the characteristics of socio-affective development have had less scientific relevance.

This symposium tries to deepen in the key aspects of the socio-affective development of SEN students, and in particular some such as specific learning disorders, attention deficit disorders with or without hyperactivity, in a stage of development such as adolescence, which is the transition from childhood to the conformation of personality.

The communications will develop the characteristics of SEN students, internalised or externalised socio-emotional adjustment problems and the resources they have to deal with these situations. The subjects who present SEN often present more emotional adjustment problems than their peers (Alemany, 2019), up to 21% in behavioural problems or anxiety and depression (Norman et al., 2021), so it seems that there is a double risk situation when presenting socioemotional and developmental problems. The negative impact on pupils' development requires a specific intervention that goes beyond that offered at the curricular level, requiring a global psychoeducational intervention.

  • Associate Professor at the Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy (University of Malaga).

    Degree and PhD in Psychology with the thesis "Dificultades de Aprendizaje, un estudio longitudinal". Master in Early Childhood Care, Expert in Educational Psychology EFPA (2009) and by the Official College of Psychology (2019). Member of the research group PAIDI SEJ 521 "Learning Difficulties and Developmental Disorders".

    His professional career has been as an educational psychologist at all educational stages for more than 19 years. Accredited member of Psicologia Educativa, advisor and coordinator of Educational Psychology of COPAO in Malaga.

    Current lines of research are related to SEN and Attention to diversity, predictive factors of reading and writing, neuropsychological prevention of AD, as well as the socio-cognitive development of students with AD.

    Numerous national and international publications on written language, learning difficulties, dyslexia, and early intervention.

    Currently participates as a member of the coordinating group of the PsiCE project "Evidence-based Psychology in Educational Contexts" sponsored by the University of La Rioja and the COP.

    Teacher and coordinator of the Interuniversity Master's Degree in Educational Psychology.

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