
Manuel Soriano Ferrer
University of Valencia, Spain

Prevention and Intervention in reading difficulties.

Participants: Mª José González Valenzuela, Isaías Martín Ruiz, Elisa de Lourdes Piedra Martínez, Manuel Soriano Ferrer, Jonh Ch. Begeny

Reading difficulties have a prevalence of around 5-6%, with great persistence in adolescence and adulthood, causing negative consequences at the level of personal, social, academic or occupational functioning, reasons that justify the need to develop prevention programmes aimed at children who are at risk of developing them, as well as the development of intervention programmes for those children who have already developed them. Under these parameters, this symposium articulates different communications on this topic. Specifically, two papers are presented on the efficacy of two preventive programmes for learning difficulties in reading. One of them (PREDALE) that considers the main components for the optimisation of early literacy learning, applied in person (University of Malaga) and another programme focused on the main predictors of learning success applied online (University of Azuay, Ecuador). The other two papers present results on the effectiveness of two intervention programmes for children with reading difficulties. One of these papers focuses on the multicomponential Velocilector programme (University of Valencia) and the other (Leamos para Avanzar) focuses especially on reading fluency difficulties (North Carolina State University).

Associate Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy of the University of Valencia since 2007. Previously Associate Professor at the University of Almeria since 2003. Specialist in Clinical Psychology (MEC, 2008). Doctor in Philosophy in Educational Psychology in 2013 (USA). He has numerous national and international publications, refereed and of impact (more than 80 articles, 65 chapters and books, and more than 130 communications and symposia activities), with 4 CNAI research sections. He has directed R&D Projects as PI and participated in several R&D Projects. Director of the Research Group on Specific Learning Disorders and Comorbidities (ITEAC), Director of the Official Master's Degree in Special Education and of the Expert in Developmental Dyslexia (11th Edition). He is a member of the Editorial Team/ Review Editor of Frontiers in Psychology, Exceptional Children, Acta Psychopathologica, Reading & Writing, and EJREP (UAL). He has given numerous lectures and courses on learning difficulties, special education and ADHD, many of them in official postgraduate courses.



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