
David Aparisi Sierra
University of Alicante

Cyberbullying and cybervictimisation in the university context: relationship with different psychoeducational variables.

Participants:  David Aparisi Sierra, Beatriz Delgado Domenech, Rosa María Bo Bonet

Inappropriate or problematic use of new technologies can lead young people to display maladaptive behaviours such as cyberbullying. In this sense, cyberbullying has become a frequent relational problem among young people, which has made it necessary to evaluate and prevent it in the university context. This symposium consists of four papers that provide results on the relationship between cyberbullying and cybervictimization in the university context and its relationship with different psychoeducational variables. The first one aims to analyse the relationship between cyberbullying, cybervictimization and adaptation to university taking into account the gender of the students; the second one aims to analyse the prevalence of problematic mobile phone use among young Spaniards and its relationship with academic performance at university; the third aims to examine the relationship between cyberbullying, the use of different learning strategies and the ability to adapt to university; and the objectives of the fourth and last one are to identify different profiles regarding cyberbullying and cybervictimisation behaviours and to examine the relationship between cyberbullying and aggressiveness. A battery of tests was administered to a sample of 1368 Spanish university students aged 18-49. The results point to the need to design and implement psychoeducational intervention programmes that improve students' ability to adapt to the university context, reduce the occurrence of aggressive behaviour, teach adaptive learning strategies and prevent social interaction problems, as well as the misuse of mobile devices.

Degree in Psychology from the University of Valencia. PhD in Psychology from the Miguel Hernández University. Master's Degree in Clinical and Health Psychology, Master's Degree in Domestic and Gender Violence, Master's Degree in Psychology and Family Management, Master's Degree in Educational Integration, Master's Degree in School Performance, Dropout and Failure and Master's Degree in Legal Psychology and Forensic Expertise from the University of Valencia. Associate Professor in the Department of Developmental and Didactic Psychology in the Faculty of Education at the University of Alicante. His lines of research focus on the relationships between sociometric types, cognitive-motivational and social variables and academic performance in students of Compulsory Secondary Education and the study of psychoeducational variables involved in cyberbullying in university students and their adaptation. Member of the Research Unit on Intelligence, Social Competence and Education (SOCEDU) of the University of Alicante, the Division of Educational Psychology (PsiE), the Division of Academic Psychology (SEP), the Division of Clinical and Health Psychology (PCyS), the Division of Psychology of Social Intervention (PISoc) and the Division of Psychotherapy (dPsiT) of the General Council of Official Colleges of Psychologists, as well as different associations such as the American Psychological Association (APA), the Association of Developmental and Educational Psychology of Childhood, Adolescence, Elderly and Disability (INFAD), the Scientific Association of Psychology and Education (ACIPE) and the Independent Council for Child Protection (CIPI). She has several publications in journals of national and international impact. She has also participated in the presentation of communications and in the Scientific Committee of different national and international conferences and is a member of the editorial team of Psychology journals of international impact such as the Journal of Educational Psychology.



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