Susana Rodríguez
University of A Coruña, Spain
Parental involvement and student academic engagement.
Participants: Lucia Díaz-Pita; Tania Vieites; Carolina Carolina Rodríguez-Llorente; Fátima María Díaz-Freire
This symposium brings together two contributions that allow us to appreciate the role of parents in their children's school activity at home. A longitudinal study in which 229 students were followed from 4th to 6th grade of Primary Education showed that the interest in progress and confidence reported by students in 4th grade explained the amount of homework done, the amount of time committed, and the extent to which it was used, both in the following year (in 5th grade) and in the long term (in 6th grade). In this respect, it is found that, indeed, students who reported confidence from their parents in Year 4 were less likely to report a superficial approach to homework in Year 6.
Two other papers address the impact that parental rejection or hostility perceived by adolescent students may have on motivational orientation and intention to drop out of school early. With the participation of 570 students in the 2nd and 3rd years of ESO from six different secondary schools, it is concluded that the perception of parental rejection/hostility would limit the adoption of mastery goals in the academic sphere and promote a motivational orientation of performance avoidance. In this line, it is observed that among students with an intention to drop out of school before completing ESO (18.9%), the perception of rejection/hostility on the part of mothers and fathers is significantly higher than for students who do not report this intention to drop out early.
Susana Rodríguez is Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of A Coruña (UDC). Member of the Research Group in Educational Psychology, regularly funded in competitive calls within the Programme for the Consolidation and Structuring of Competitive Research Units of the Galician University System (Xunta de Galicia), she currently coordinates the Master's Degree in Applied Psychology at the UDC.
She has participated in different research projects at international and national level, and is currently PI of the project Quality Parental Involvement: Consequences for school engagement and student well-being, recently funded in the 2021 call by the Ministry of Science and Innovation.
Author of several patents and numerous publications in prestigious journals, in recent years she has supervised a total of eight doctoral theses. She is a member of several editorial boards and an accredited reviewer for several scientific journals, and has review activity for several national agencies.