(1. Neuropsychology of learning; 2. Social and emotional brain; 3. Neurodevelopmental disorders; 4. Psychoeducational intervention in childhood Neurodevelopmental Disorders)
Executive functions and learning in language disorders (On-site)
Participants: María González-Nosti; Olga Ivanova; lena Garayzábal; Irene Hidalgo; Verónica Moreno Campos;
Intervention in Autism Spectrum Disorders at different vital moments. (On-site)
Participants: Susana Mata Ituralde, Liliana P. Rojas Torres, Sarah Sanchez Cueva, Yurena Alonso Esteban, Paula Sesé Martínez
Neurodevelopmental disorders. Deepening in the Dyslexia/TEL comorbidity. Consequences of learning difficulties on self-esteem and anxiety in schoolchildren. (Virtual)
Participants: Mercedes Isabel Rueda Sánchez; Lydia García Gómez; Ana Cortés García; María Asensio Asensio; Mónica González Santamaria;
Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Language and Learning Disabilities. (On-site)
Participants: Carmen Berenguer Forner; Belén Roselló Miranda; Miriam Zarzo Benlloch; Laura Espinoza Pastén
Prevention and Intervention in reading difficulties. (On-site)
Participants: Mª José González Valenzuela, Isaías Martín Ruiz, Elisa de Lourdes Piedra Martínez, Manuel Soriano Ferrer, Jonh Ch. Begeny
High Intellectual Ability: current developments and proposals. (On-site)
Participants: Carmen Pichardo Martínez; Francisco Ruiz Mendoza; Ramón Cladellas Pros; Ignasi Navarro Ferrando; Christopher Perleth; Lourdes Viana; Mª Luz Urraca Martínez; Clara Tejada Garrido; Miriam Romero.
Pragmatic social communication skills in neurodevelopmental disorders. (On-site)
Participants: Clara Andrés-Roqueta; Raquel Flores Buils; Inmaculada Baixauli; Iria Botana; Manuel Peralbo; Verónica Martínez; Eliseo Diez-Itza.
(1. Evaluation; 2. Orientation/ Guidance/ Counseling)
New contexts for assessment and intervention in ADHD and learning disabilities. (On-site)
Participants: María González-Nosti; Olga Ivanova; lena Garayzábal; Irene Hidalgo; Verónica Moreno Campos;
New tools for assessment in detection and intervention. (On-site)
Participants: Susana Mata Irurralde, Mercedes Rios, Paula Sesé Martínez, Lubna el Kaadouchi Talhaoui, Helena Moreno Gelis, Ana Sánchez Mora, Estíbaliz Benito Sipos
APPrendeRtI: early detection and intervention of learning difficulties in reading from the RtI model. (On-site)
Participants: Lorena González Sánchez; Amanda Abin Alvarez; Estrella Fernández Alba; Tania Pasarín-Lavín
Assessment of attachment bonding through instruments developed and/or validated in the Spanish context. (Online)
Participants: Reme Melero Cavero, Mª José Cantero López, Verónica Jimeno Jiménez, Silvia Vidal Torres
Assessment aimed at improving individual functioning in people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (On-site)
Participants: Eva Vicente Sánchez, Verónica Marina Guillén Martín, Cristina Mumbardó Adam, Sonia Hernández Hernández
(1. Social and emotional adjustment; 2. Risks in the peer network; 3. Juvenile criminality and victimization; 4. Emotional intelligence; 5. Social and emotional brain; 6. Evaluation; 7. Intervetion; 8. Affective-sexual education; 9. Digitalization and emotional development; 10. Courtship and adolescence )
Regulation/Non-Regulation/Deregulation (personal and contextual) as combined psychological variables and predictors of cognitive-motivational factors of academic stress at the University. (On-site)
Participants: Jesús de la Fuente Arias; Mónica Pachón; Jose Manuel Martínez Vicente; FJ Peralta Sánchez; Angélica Garzón-Umerenkova; Martha L. Gaetha; Paola Paoloni.
Socio-emotional development and well-being of highly able students. (On-site)
Participants: Gemma Ochando Perales, Teresa Gallego Álvarez, Ana M. Casino García, Fabiola Baquero Gomide, Lucía I. Llinares Insa
Leisure and well-being in youth: challenges and opportunities to improve coexistence. (On-site)
Participants: Ángel de Juanas Oliva, Francisco Javier García-Castilla, Hossein Hossein Mohand, Hassan Hossein Mohand, Javier Páez Gallego, Jesús Manuel Pérez Viejo, Ángel Luis González Olivares, Jorge Díaz Esterri, Diego Galán Casado, Miguel Urra Canales, Julio Alfonso Novoa López, Jorge Pizarro Martínez, Lorena Marín de la Peña
School stress and student-teacher relationships as key areas for well-being. (On-site)
Participants: Irene García Moya; Antonia Jiménez Iglesias; Marta Díez López; Carmen Paniagua Infantes.
Lomloe in the occupational health of teachers and the burnt-out teacher syndrome. Background for reflection.. (On-site/Virtual)
Participants: Maria Eugenia Martin Palacio; Jose Antonio Bueno Alvarez; Angelo José Cárdenas Pasmiño; Andrés Fernando Avilés Dávila; Cristina Di Giusto Valle; Cesareo Garcia; Carolina Muñoz Villanueva; Bianca Dapelo Perellano
Adolescent emotional well-being, important factors for their protection and development. (On-site)
Participants: Mª José Gutierrez-Cobo; Raquel Gómez-Leal; Mª Teresa Sánchez-López; Ana Costa; Desiree Llamas-Diaz
Emerging adulthood in Spain in a gender perspective. (Virtual)
Participants: Javier García Manglano; Milagros Saínz Ibáñez; Jorge Manuel Dueñas Rada; Mari Carmen García Mendoza.
Emotional development intervention under debate: what can we learn from the different methodologies available? (On-site)
Participants: Alejandro Iborra y Luana Bruno, Santos Orejudo Hernández, María Teresa Navarro Gil, Mari Cruz Pérez Yus
Analysis of personal competences in Secondary Education: Advancing the promotion of psychosocial well-being of students and teachers. (On-site)
Participants: María del Carmen Pérez Fuentes; María del Mar Molero Jurado; Ana Belén Barragán Martín; María del Mar Simón Márquez; África Martos Martínez; Maria Sisto; Pablo Molina Moreno
Abuse prevention, condom use and communication in sexual interactions: assessment and educational strategies for people with intellectual disabilities. (On-site)
Participants: Mª Dolores Gil Llario; Vicente Morell Mengual; Olga Fernández García; Verónica Estruch García.
Sexual violence in adolescence and youth: nature, associated factors and intervention proposals. (On-site)
Participants: Estrella Durán-Guerrero, Carlo Tramontano, Isabel Vicario-Molina, Virginia Sánchez Jiménez
(1. Cyber risks; 2. e_learning; 3. New models: hybrid learning, inverted classes, etc.;)
Role of systematic observation in psychological well-being and digitization. (On-site)
Participants: Marina Alarcón; Oleguer Camerino; Jairo Rodríguez-Medina; Héctor Tronchoni.
Artificial Intelligence at the service of emotions in the educational context. (On-site)
Participants: Miguel Cazorla Quevedo, Maria Dolores Sancerni Beitia, Francisco Gómez Donoso, Rosabel Martínez Roig, Jorge Fernández Herrero, Iván Sánchez López
Effectiveness of the use of digital resources and artificial intelligence techniques in educational and health contexts. (Virtual)
Participants: María Consuelo Sáiz Manzanares; Sandra Rodríguez Arribas; María del Camino Escolar Llamazares; Gonzalo Andrés López; Raúl Marticorena Sánchez.
Interactions in online environments and their relationship with personal development. Some proposals for analysis and intervention with adolescents. (On-site)
Participants: Santos Orejudo Hernández, Pablo Bautista Alcaine, Luana Bruno y Alejandro Iborra, Eva Vicente Sánchez
Cyberbullying: explanatory factors of behavior among young people and intervention proposals. (Virtual)
Participants: Ana Margarida Veiga Simão; Cirenia Quintana-Orts; Daniel Falla; Sidclay Souza; Nádia Pereira.
Artificial Intelligence, Meta-analysis and Metaverse: Lines of Evolution in e_learning. (On-site)
Participants: Isaías Salvador Sanmartín Santos; Ricardo Cerverón Lleó; Yinglong QIU; Xinyu ZHANG.
(1. Styles and practices of socialization in the family context.; 2. Situations of risk and protection of children; 3. Diversity and multiculturalism; 4. Perinatal psychology; 5. Parentality, parenting styles and optimal development in childhood; 6. Impact of Developmental Disorders on the family.; 7. Digital competencies and family)
Quality assurance in the care of children, adolescents and families from the Positive Parenting approach. (On-site)
Participants: María José Rodrigo; Enrique Arranz; Victoria Hidalgo; María Luisa Máiquez; Ana Pizarro Carmona; Maria Angels Balsells; Juan Carlos Martín Quintana; Raquel Amaya Martínez; M. Ángeles Espinosa.
Assessment and promotion of parenting and children's competences from a Positive Parenting approach. (On-site)
Participants: Juan Carlos Martín Quintana; Adriana Álamo Muñoz; Miriam del Mar Cruz Sosa; Juan Carlos Martín Quintana; Estefanía de los Dolores Gil García; Pedro F. Alemán Ramos; Graziano Pellegrino.
Family intervention and reparation of the impact of maltreatment in childhood-adolescence: contributions from the restorative model. An integrative proposal. (On-site)
Participants: Esther CiscarCuñat, Concepción Martínez Vazquez, Susana ToríoLópez, JosepLluís Oliver Torelló
Parenting, child development and video-feedback intervention. (On-site)
Participants: Rosa Vilaseca; Magda Rivero; Lori Roggman; Mark Innocenti; María José Cantero; Esperanza Navarro-Pardo; Clara Valls-Vidal.
Intrafamilial victimisation during childhood and the development of antisocial and/or criminal behaviour in adolescence. (On-site)
Participants: Beatriz Ortega Vidal, Carmen María León, Mª Verónica Jimeno Jiménez, Mª Francis Campayo
The family's contribution to children's psychosocial development: correlates of parenting styles. (On-site)
Participants: Marta Alcaide, Sonia Villarejo, Rafael García Ros, Fang Zhou Chen
Incorporation of evidence-based best practices in family care and support programs and resources. (On-site)
Participants: Isabel López Verdugo; Mª Angels Balsells; Silvia López Larrosa; José Sánchez Hidalgo.
The family context as a determinant of parental stress and its personal and social impact. (On-line)
Participants: Andrea Roldán Barrios, Carmen Sánchez Sánchez, María Ortiz Alba, Gema Linde Valenzuela
Parental involvement and student academic engagement. (On-site)
Participants: Lucia Díaz-Pita; Tania Vieites; Carolina Carolina Rodríguez-Llorente; Fátima María Díaz-Freire
Strategic innovative projects based on wellbeing and digitalisation that contribute to meeting the educational challenges of the 21st century. (Virtual)
Participants: Teresa Pozo-Rico; Andrea Izquierdo; Natalia Pérez Soto; MªJosé Mira Galvañ, Steve Richard Scott Barrios.
Protective family dimensions for well-being and development throughout the life cycle. (On-site)
Participants: Pilar Fornell, Natalia Jiménez, Melissa L. Martínez, Sandra Melero
(1. Literacy instruction; 2. Instruction in mathematics; 3. Higher education; 4. Education and Lifelong Learning (Continuing Education); 5. Psychoeducational assessment; 6. Guidance/counseling/counseling; 7. Intervention; 8. Self-regulation strategies; 9. Digital competencies; 10. Digital instructional models)
The phenomenon of university dropout. Explanatory models and intervention experiences. (On-site)
Participants: Bernardo, A. B.; López-Angulo, Y.; Sáez-Delgado, F.; Mella-Norambuena, J.; Cervero, A; Tuero, E.; Galve, C; Núñez, J.C.; Sáez-Delgado, F.; Díaz-Mujica, A.; Casanova, J.R.; Almeida, L.S.
Transcription, linguistic, and executive function skills in the development of writing in a transparent orthography. (On-site)
Participants: Juan E. Jiménez; Jennifer Balade; Rebeca Villarroel; Desirée González.
Representations of Social Justice: empirical validation and implementation of a conceptualization of political philosophy and welfare. (On-site)
Participants: Edgardo Etchezahar; Talia Gómez Yepes; Miguel Ángel Albalá Genol; Elisabet López Vázquez.
From theory to practice: School-based interventions to promote self-regulated learning strategies. (On-site)
Participants: Jennifer Cunha, Tânia Moreira, Paula Magalhães, Juliana Martins
Homework. A question of quality.. (On-site)
Participants: Tania Vieites Lestón, Amanda Abín Álvarez, Rubén Fernández Alonso, José Carlos Núñez Pérez, Pedro Rosário
Teaching skills: social-emotional competence.(On-site)
Participants: Luis Jorge Martín Antón; Wendy Arteaga Cedeño; Juan Valdivieso Burón; Carolina Puertas Flores. Jesús Redondo
Autism in the school environment: current realities and future challenges. (On-site)
Participants: Débora Areces, Ane Bermejo, Aitor Larraceleta, Pilar Arnaiz-Sánchez, David Saldaña
Specific Educational Support Needs in adolescence and socio-emotional adjustment. (On-site)
Participants: Alicia Verdugo Alonso, Inmaculada Jordan Galera, María José González-Valenzuela, Eduardo Fonseca Pedrero, Alicia Pérez de Albéniz, Adriana Diez Gómez del Casal, Julia Pérez, Manuel Soriano, Elisa Piedra-Martínez.
Early academic motivation and performance in reading and mathematics. (On-site)
Participants: Javier Rosales Pardo; Raquel De Sixte Herrera; Marta Ramos; Álvaro Jáñez; Andrea Sánchez; Amelia Mañá; Cristina Vargas; Mario Romero; Lidia Altamura.
Critical Thinking and Education. (On-site)
Participants: Silvia F. Rivas, Leandro S. Almeida, Óscar Eugenio Tamayo Alzate, Yasaldez Eder Loaiza Zuluaga, Francisco Javier Ruiz Ortega, Carlos Saiz
The Strategic Mastery of Writing Competence: Technological-Methodological and Preventive Advances in Learning Difficulties. (On-site)
Participants: Olga Arias-Gundín, Celestino Rodríguez, José Carlos Núñez, Gert Rijlaarsda, Paula López, María Victoria González-Laguna, Raquel Fidalgo, Sara Real Castelao, Mark Torrance, María Arrimada.
Participants: Dr. Benito López Andrada, D. María Josefa González Megía, D. Javier Romero Lleonart, D. María José Millán Eslava, D. Encarnación Escrivá Escrivá.
Socio-educational care for vulnerable children. (Virtual)
Participants:Rosario Mérida Serrano; Mª de los Ángeles Olivares García; Mª Elena González Alfaya; María del Mar García Cabrera; Antonio Serrano; Antonio Serrano; Sonia García Segura; Carmen Cruz Torres; Noemí Serrano Díaz; Pilar Etopa Bitata; Julia Rodríguez Carrillo; Miguel Muñoz Moya; Ana García Gutiérrez; Manuel Ríos Macías
The role of social support and self-regulated learning in adolescent adjustment. (Virtual)
Participants:Zeltia Martínez-López; María Emma Mayo Pais; Eva Villar García; Sonia de Sousa Monteiro Nouws
New lines of research in mathematical cognition. (On-site)
Participants: Josetxu Orrantia; María del Carmen Canto-López;Carlos Mera; Estibaliz Aragón
Psychoeducational and contextual variables in the study of High Ability. (On-site)
Participants: Mercedes Ferrando Prieto, Rosa María Pons Parra, Purificación Checa Fernández, Ángela Conejero, Mª Carmen Fernández Vidal, Álvaro Infantes-Paniagua, María Isabel Rojo Guillamón, Ana Lison.
Psychological strength and self-regulation of learning in university students.
Participants: Vanesa Martínez Valderrey; Sonia Alguacil Sánchez.
Intervention programmes for the promotion of SRL strategies in educational contexts: Characteristics and results. (On-site)
Participants: Estrella Fernández, Jesús de la Fuente Arias, Raquel Fidalgo Redondo, Ellián Tuero Herrero.
University entrance exams and their relationship with the PISA tests. Application of psychometric processes to compare curricular content and competencies in Spain. (On-site)
Participants: Alejandro Veas Iniesta; Pablo Miñano Pérez; Isabel Benítez Baena; Rubén Fernández Alonso; Leandro Navas Martínez
New lines of research in mathematical cognition. (On-site)
Participants: Josetxu Orrantia; María del Carmen Canto-López;Carlos Mera; Estibaliz Aragón
(1. Development of tolerance: (social minorities, refugees, etc.); 2. Bullying; 3. Sexual and gender violence; 4. Cyberbullying)
Helping behaviors and violence against women in university settings. (Online)
Participants: Andrés Sánchez Prada; Virginia Ferreiro Basurto; Ainara Nardi Rodríguez; Leila I. Vázquez Gómez.
Cyberbullying and cyber-victimisation in the university context: relationship with different psycho-educational variables. (Online)
Participants: David Aparisi Sierra, Beatriz Delgado Domenech, Rosa María Bo Bonet
Exploring cyber-violence: Associated factors and analysis of its dynamics. (On-site)
Participants: Joaquín A. Mora-Merchán, David Álvarez-García, Manuel Gámez-Guadix, Joaquín González-Cabrera
Participants: Carmen Viejo; Rosario Ortega; Noemí Toledano Fernández; María Sánchez Safra; Mercedes Gómez López
The moral dimension in the phenomenon of bullying. (On-site/Online)
Participants: Ana Bravo Castillo, Antonio Cabrera Vázquez, Antonio Camacho López, Paula García Carrera
The moral dimension in the phenomenon of bullying. (On-site/Online)
Participants: Ana Bravo Castillo, Antonio Cabrera Vázquez, Antonio Camacho López, Paula García Carrera
(1. Optimal aging; 2. Consequences of neurocognitive impairment; 3. Intervention in older adults; 4. Digitalization and aging)
Generativity in older adults and ageing well. (On-site)
Participants: Alejandro Iborra Cuéllar, Susana Domínguez Santos, Eduardo Sandoval-Obando, Clicia Jatahy-Peixoto, Sacramento Pinazo Hernandis, Feliciano Villar, Juan José Zacarés
Executive functions and language in people with neurological disorders. (On-site)
Participants: Vicent Rosell Clari, Jordi Peña Casanova, Carlos Herández Sacristán, Teresa Cervera Crespo
Ageing and frailty. (On-line)
Participants: Laura Lorenzo-López, Pedro Miguel Gaspar, María Campos-Magdaleno, Esperanza Navarro-Pardo, David Facal
(1. Mental health and pandemic; 2. ICT and pandemic )
Learning in times of pandemic: the impact of emotional management and social support. (On-site)
Participants: Juan Carlos García Alonso; Paula Molinero González; José Luis Rodríguez Sáez; Lorena Valdivieso León; Deilis Ivonne Pacheco Sanz
Positive personal resources as promoters of psychological well-being. (On-site)
Participants: Cirenia Luz Quintana Orts; María Teresa Chamizo Nieto; Christiane Arrivillaga Almoguera; Sergio Mérida López.
Adjustment and Psychological Impact of COVID-19 Confinement on Families. (On-site)
Participants: Juan Miguel Flujas Contreras, Inmaculada Gómez Becerra, Pilar Sánchez López, Mercedes Fernández Torres, Manuel Soriano Ferrer